Tatiana Ruiz
Translated by Rodolpho Neto
Written By Tatiana Ruiz
Copyright © 2019 Tatiana Ruiz
All rights reserved
Distributed by Babelcube, Inc.
Translated by Rodolpho Neto
Cover Design © 2019 Imaginaerum Arte e Design
“Babelcube Books” and “Babelcube” are trademarks of Babelcube Inc.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
No escuro da Noite
Apenas Mais Um... Ou Não?
This story is dedicated to someone who has always been with me and encouraged me to follow through with it and with every other I ever tried to write.
Vsya Moya Lyubov C. L.
Author Notes
If you’re reading this book on original form, wow, thanks!!! If you’re reading it in a pirated way, be it downloaded from some website or because a friend sent you, all i ask is for you to comment with your friends that it is available on websites for a pretty low price. Won’t cost you much to help an author live her dream, will it?
Anyway I hope you’ll like it. Thanks and kisses!
It was ball night. The whole city gathered in front of the church for mass before going to the mansion. The beautiful count’s daughter would be introduced to the society and everyone waited anxiously, some even cursing the priest’s delay in giving them a blessing, desperate for the hour of what promised to be greatest party of the century.
Count Emrich was well known in town, and the fame of his youngest – newly arrived and kept away from the eyes of all, sparking even more the people’s curiosity – was already everywhere, even bringing people from neighboring cities to meet the beauty that had become legend. Everyone wanted to confirm the story that traveled from so far away, on the hooves of the horses that brought Lucélia. The bells announced the end of the cult and the cities’ powerful were already on their way, in their beautiful decorated carriages, to the destination, bringing the delicate invitations between their hands.
In the bedroom, young Lucélia was getting ready. The maid dressed her with care and dedication. She really was a prime of a girl. The tight corset thinned her shape and gave her an adult look, but the delicate face – even when covered by the light makeup, that colored with a fake and soft blush the pale cheeks – denounced the recently completed 16 years.
— Thank you Shaira, I think I can finish it myself – a smile was worn by the face of that angel.
— Yes, miss. – with a slight bow, the chaperon withdrew from the room, leaving the young woman alone in front of the large mirror.
The little girl fixed her hair, put on the jewels, gifts from the proud father, and walked slow steps, carefully planned, to the hall. The heart beating like it wanted to leave the chest. Never had she been in front of so many people, especially when being the center of attention. Dozens, maybe hundreds, awaited her with unmasked anxiety, and the whispers and murmurs she caused everyone showed it was a worthwhile wait. The long coppery rings fell over her back and the coy dress moved graciously with each given step. She tried to fill her lungs and calm the irregular beating before she finally spoke.
— Good night to all, forgive me for the indelicacy of my delay. – she made a soft bow to everyone present, still in the middle of the stairway, and with her father’s help went down the last steps that separated her from mere mortals.
As soon as her shoes touched the room’s floor, the greetings began. Lucélia was introduced to many nice youngsters, from prestigious families, and waltzed for hours with her father and the suitable applicants, until, near the end of the festivities, she decided to go outside for some air.
She crossed the doorway drunk with the evening’s freshness, admiring the stars while the smell of flowers invaded her sharp and curious senses. She was walking on the way paved with stones that went from the porch to the garden when she came upon a group of hooded and truculent men, eyes glowing with lust and hatred. She tried to run back to the door she came from, but one of them grabbed her midway, covering her mouth with a big and callous hand, with filthy and brittle nails.
— Boss, look what I found here. A small swallow that surely fell from the nest. – the girl cried, trying to break free from his arms that, being taller, lifted her from the ground making harder, if not impossible, for her to escape. The smell of his skin nauseated her and no sound slipped through his finger, so tight it would be easy to think them impossible to separate.
Lucélia was dragged through the darkness until a far away spot, where no one could hear her, and was introduced to the “boss”. A big man almost two meters tall, strong and looking dirtier than his henchmen. He opened his mouth in a big smile that showed his rotten teeth, licking his dried-out lips, like he was in front of a tasty piece of veal. The one holding her didn’t wait another second to throw her on the ground.
— Let me go... In God’s name, please... - the voice failed, she couldn’t move from where she was, on the ground near a tree with her dress all muddy.
The man gasped like a pig. Without speaking, he ripped her clothes without difficulty and grabbed each piece of her white skin, seemingly amused with the struggle of the frail body underneath him. He bit her delicate girl breasts with absurd violence, cutting the skin and bleeding it.
He downed his fetid mouth through her feminine shapes, whose owner no longer had the will to fight and only prayed for a miracle. When he already readied himself for the first thrust something caught his attention, it was a different sound from that of any forest animal, it was an almost human howling. He didn’t even notice where the blow came from, just toppled to the side, completely blue, taken by a lack of air without apparent reason.
A figure passed through the men, taking their breath, one by one. It was like the air was suddenly stolen from their lungs, without, however, causing any harm to the young girl. Lucélia bound herself to crying in despair and tiredness, trying to cover herself in the hopes that whoever her savior was, didn’t do it just so he could take her in an even worse way. She tried to get up and leave, seeking support in the great oak tree behind her, but after the first step she fell. Before she could reach the ground, strong but delicate arms took hold of her. The last thing she saw before passing out was a mask and a pair of gray eyes looking at her own ones as if they could invade her soul.
— Amélia... AMÉLIA!!! Come on wake up! If the boss catches you asleep, you are more than done for! – shaking her friend’s head violently. The young copper haired girl opened her eyes with some difficulty. Her head still spun and, in her mouth, the famous “taste of iron” was dominant.
— What is it Trici? – she didn’t feel one bit like getting up, but still did it. Cleaned the string of drool that hanged from her mouth with the back of her hand. – I wasn’t sleeping, I was just...
— Making a deep analysis of how the dream world affects the human one, I know! – Patricia knew the excuse by heart - But Mr. Rocha wont want to know about your psychological studies of the subconscious. – she said in a mocking voice.
Amélia imitated a forced laugh and straightened herself in the chair, moving her hands through the slightly crumpled clothes. She imagined her face didn’t look any better. One of the employees walked past them with boxes on a fork-lift, frowning at the scene.
— Never seen it before Jorjão? Get to work son! – she hated being woken up. Her mood got really crappy.
The boss’ voice made itself heard in her earphone. He wanted to see her IMMEDIATELY. Seems like she wasn’t the only one in a bad mood. She blabb
ered something while making some faces, putting a smile on her partner’s face, and headed to the first room on the right hallway. A strange man, almost nothing in his body was his. – That looked like a modern representation of Frankenstein’s monster, obviously without all that stitching or rotten parts. - Mr. Pale P. D. Rocha - name that got many laughs out of his subordinates, who called him Pale Purple Dick – behind his back, of course! She didn’t really understood that nickname, since something pale can’t be purple, but said nothing. Anyway, “pale” was a rarely used word nowadays.
— You called sir? – the rough voice of someone who just woke up, would denounce her even if Mr. Pale didn’t already knew about her small moment of studying the inside part of her eyelids.
— Sorry if I disturb your beauty sleep Mrs. Marcondes. – his slightly metallic voice caused shivers. Specially when he used irony, it was something that would terrorize even villains like Freddy or Jason, famous for their cruelty since the time of her ancestors. She imagined how a meeting between her boss and them would go. Certainly, they would run away screaming like little sheep-herding Finnish girls (if such girls existed. By the way, how would they scream if they did? However it was, she was sure they would scream in the same way). She couldn’t stop a brief smile – Do I tickle you telepathically Mrs. Marcondes? – the young woman rapidly shook her head in a negative way – Well, why laugh then? Is there something funny in my face?
Amélia wanted to number everything, starting with the impossibly blue bionic eye, the visibly feminine mouth, the nose with almost no cartilage – that looked like the pictures of a long dead celebrity she saw in an internet article -, but she thought that for the sake of her job she should just say no and apologize. She sat through another one of his famous lectures, promised it wouldn’t happen again – both of them knowing if was a shameless lie – and left the room half an hour after getting inside. It was past six and her friend was already waiting so they could leave.
— Man, I thought you were a goner this time!
The way was always longest when returning home. It wasn’t really longer, but it seemed to be. The two of them always chatted happily, walking slower - without the fear of being late like in the morning – and today was no different.
— Yeah, me too. But I can always appeal to his soft side...
— And which side would that be? – Patricia asked, intrigued and interested on the answer.
— Like you don’t know... - she answered with a grin on the edge of her lips.
Both of them laughed. They’d been friends for so long they didn’t even needed to finish their sentences to understand each other. They arrived at the small apartment they shared in little more than forty minutes of walking.
— Are you hungry Meli? I think I’m gonna order a pizza... - she said opening the fridge and seeing there was nothing inside.
— I’m starving, but I’m so tired I think I’ll sleep while you take care of that. – she lazily walked to the bathroom and filled the bathtub with hot water and foam, and got inside to relax. Her mind slowly emptied, and her body softened in the heat’s coziness.
Lucélia woke up surrounded by plants. From far away she could hear the noise of running water and nearby animals. How long had she been unconscious? She looked at her own clothes, hoping everything had been nothing but a bad dream, but no. She still saw them in pieces and could even feel the foul stench of the one who tried to take her soon – or a long time, she couldn’t tell – before..
— Are you awake? – she heard a voice coming from a tree trunk. She tried to hide the body with the torn pieces from the upper part of her clothes, without real success.
— Who’s there? Please, let me go back to my father... He’s rich and can reward you with a lot of gold and jewels Or animals, or titles, whatever you want. I’m sure you can talk about it and reach an agreement if I get home safe. – fear stamped the words, that dripped from her mouth.
— I do not care about gold or material things. Are you okay? – she tried to find the voice’s source but could not, it seemed to come from everywhere – Did they do something to you?
— No, I... - she looked at her own body looking for something. She saw the wound on her chest and shivered.
— They really got you... That is going to need care.
The little girl’s scream was pure fright when the figure appeared in front of her, staring at her. Where did it come from? Again she tried the hide her girl-woman body with her arms, but was stopped by delicate gloved hands. Strangely the fear slowly went away, and a feeling of peace took hold of her, making her slowly put her arms down, as if she had been given some sort of calming gas. The masked being took off his own coat then dressed the young lady with it, closing the buttons carefully.
— Much better. Now, go home and do not look back.
Lucélia just shook her head affirmatively and in the blink of an eye she was alone again. Had she dreamed? She looked at herself, and seeing the coat stuck to her body she felt a jolt of electricity running trough her. There was a path ahead of her, like a track. She searched for all the air she could and started running as fast as possible, without thinking about disobeying her order of not looking back, as if it was her only salvation. She was not sure it was the right way, but something inside her thought so.
In the palace, the Count could not hold his desperation. His youngest daughter, his little preciousness, was missing since last night. The guards found the bodies of trespassers in his garden, but no sound of his little jasmine flower. The blue colored eyes, were already two red dots on the father’s pale face and he could barely look when the maids ran trough the garden, bringing the young Lucélia by the arm. When his sunshine entered trough the door, the man jumped up, running to her and enveloping her in a hug he spoke with a trembling voice.
Are you alright my daughter? – to which the girl confirmed and the father continued, this time to the servants - What are you waiting for? Take her to a bath and get her clean clothes! NOW!
They all ran, dragging the young girl to her room, where they set a big tub and gave her a long bath. After some time she asked to be left alone. She felt dirty, and needed to scrub herself, in an attempt to wash the filth left by that man’s lips. Outside the window a figure watched silently. With a blow it couldn’t predict, the being was stunned and taken inside the home by the Count’s servants.
— Mr., look at the gift we brought you. – said the older one in the group. He liked the girl almost as much as her father, for he had seen her be born and always took care of her well-being when she was small – He was spying on the young lady during her bath.
The father’s eyes burst with hate. He turned to look the one who still tried, in vain, to free himself from the strong arms that held him. He could leave that place at any moment, could even kill everyone like he did last night, but they were innocent men, only blind by hate and fear. The proof came with the sour taste of blood when he took a punch to the guts.
— What did you do with my little princess? – then a slap came, followed by many, joined by screams, until his white shirt was splashed with gooey and dark liquid.
— DADDY, NO! – the girl ran to hold him, twisting in her new dress, recently put. She heard the noise coming from the room as soon as she left her bath and ran to see what was happening. She trembled while seeing her savior in his knees, spitting something she believed to be blood and without being able to get up. Grabbing the still raised arm of her father she spoke - He saved my life... I don’t really know how, but I know it happened. Somehow he killed all the men who tried to harm me, and then cared for me while I was unconscious. In the morning, he gave me that coat so I could return home a bit more composed. – the man was upset, he could not lower his hand, but, at the same time, tears ran down his face – Father, trust me... This man did nothing but save me..
His hand slowly went down, joining the side of his body, until he was kneeling on the ground, crying. Sobbing while he tried to a
pologize. His servants helped him up and led him to his room, seeing as he was upset to the point of being unable to do anything else but murmur “forgive me”. Lucélia sent away everyone from the place, staying alone with the one who did everything for her integrity.
— I do not even have words to apologize for my father or to thank you for myself. – she tried to reach his face and remove his mask, but was stopped by a sudden movement. Even weak he still managed to hold her hand with an unbelievable speed.
— What matters to me is that you’re well. Now all I have to do is return home. – the being was already getting up, with difficulty, and hugging the walls.
— Wait... - she tried to articulate, the arm raised to reach the slender body.
But he didn’t wait. As soon as he crossed the doorway he vanished without a trace, leaving behind a young girl full of questions.
Amélia dined a delicious quattro formaggi pizza with bacon. “Patricia has good taste, that you can’t deny” was the only thought rolling on her head. She fell asleep on the bath and was woken up by the screams of her friend asking if she had been melted and sucked down the drain. The pizza arrived just before Trici’s screams, and Amélia still got to eat it while hot. Both of them stayed up until late talking and ended up sleeping on the living room with the TV still on. On the next day they woke up late, happy that they didn’t need to go to work.
They had a girls day fixing their nails, hair, and gossiping like they hadn't seen each other in a long time. They talked shit about their boss, their colleagues, Amélia’s ex-boyfriends, music, art, movies – which they really wanted to watch – and a bunch of unimportant matters.
The night came bringing the nightclubs. The two friends dressed like queens and went in search of some fun. Lots of men and women, lots of kisses and hookups, everything they needed after a stressful week. Meli was still weirded out seeing the girl hooking up with other girls, but tried not to care about it. They were friends for so long that she had to accept she was different. The two of them drank as much as they could, competed about who could kiss more people on the nightclub, did double and triple kisses, but at the end of the night went home alone again.