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- Tatiana Ruiz
Masks Page 2
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— Did you see that guy in the pink shirt?
— Which one? The one who looked like chewed bubblegum or the one who wanted to swallow you whole with a kiss? - Trici let slip a bit of jealousy in her voice, but she would die denying it. The other girl laughed.
— That's the one! My god, he was a bad kisser!!! And he smelled horribly of cheap booze!
— Are you sure that wasn't your smell? Who was the one that spent all night drinking the cheapest cocktails so she could drink more? - both of them exploded in laughter.
— I’m so drunk I wouldn't even be able to tell... - she laughed.
They got to their apartment without knowing how they unlocked the door, since they simply couldn't fit the key in the keyhole. Among smiles and “shhs” they finally managed to get in and close the door, leaving an entire world behind. Amélia grumbled something and dropped to the floor, sleeping like a baby. Patricia smiled. It was always the same thing. She called to her partner and managed to support her until they reached the bedroom, where she laid her on the bed and took of the shoes to give her a bit more comfort. She sat on the armchair and watched her sleep until she couldn't anymore, delivering herself equally to Morpheus.
— Wake up sleepyhead!!!
The sound of the wooden spoon hitting the pot rang in the girl’s ears. She looked at the redhead in front of her and rubbed her eyes.
— Dude, you really gotta start drinking less! Every time you collapse on that armchair... Follow my example. I can drink as much as I want to, and I always wake up cute on my bed. If you can’t handle it drink milk, baby... - she said already leaving the room – Oh, and we still have cleaning to do. Don't forget you promised to help me clean the bathroom today.
— Okay... - she shook her head – Follow my example.. always wake up on my bed... Oh if you knew why I always wake up on the armchair, while you're safe and sound on the bed... - she grumbled while getting up.
The day went by without any big emotions. They cleaned the apartment, played around with water while cleaning the bathroom and finished the cleaning while looking like two wet chickens. In the afternoon they decided to enjoy the nice weather to watch a movie under the blankets, taking advantage of the channels they had on the cable TV.
— I’ll make the popcorn!
— I’ll get the blanket!
Patricia ran to the kitchen and Amélia to the bedroom. In a few minutes the popcorn was ready.
— Popcorn full of butter, just the way you like... – she was suddenly interrupted.
— I know you are there!!! Please, show yourself.
A few days had passed and life was almost normal for Lucélia and her father. The sisters, already married, came to visit her when they found out what happened and she already could not stand to talk about it anymore. Every day the young lady found a way to sneak past her father’s vigilance, claiming she needed some fresh air, and ran to the middle of the woods. She needed to see the one who did not left her thoughts again.
— If you do not come out today, I swear by the heavens I will do something really stupid! – her voice came out squeakier than she intended.
She was already in a high level of desperation. So much time without getting a single response to her pleading. She brought with herself the silver dagger, a birthday gift from her oldest sister in an attempt to help protect her. A noise from behind made her shiver. The trees danced softly in the breeze and a hoarse voice mad itself heard.
— I am here... What do you want? - Lucélia jumped of fright, turning to face the one speaking.
— I want to thank you... For saving my life the other day... - she twisted her hands nervously.
— If that is all you wanted, you already did. - They tried to turn and leave but the request to stay made them stop – What else do you want?
— I want to apologize... Know how you are – she reached her hand, but the being was faster while backing away. One could still see some swelling and bruises on the skin. – My father had no right to do what he did, I know. But I beg of you to forgive a man in suffering, who saw the honor of his little girl threatened.
— There is no need to beg for anything. – their voice was rough and injured the girl’s heart, which wasn't as maiden like as you would expect from someone of her time, but still had the dreamy side of every girl-woman.
— But... At least let me see the face of my savior, of the one I will be eternally grateful... Please...
She slowly approached and, giving no time for reaction, the young girl pulled their mask and ripped out their hat, revealing purplish hair. Lucélia’s face transformed with surprise. She was completely different from anyone she had ever met.
— Do not be frightened by my appearance. – The words flowed sweetly and the voice was melodious, lovely now. – I'm not like you, but that does not mean it's all different..
— You are... - the surprise still consumed her.
— A female. Yes... - she looked down.
— It does not matter. - she said lifting the other girl’s chin with her hand, making her look her in the eye. During all this time I could not stop thinking about you. - she felt her heart beating fast. Despite the little time it was true, she could not think about anything or anyone else - Doesn't matter to me if you're a man or woman, for what I saw the day that you won me over was your soul and not your body, and that is more important than anything in the world. I think that... I think that I love you.
She closed the distance, first delicately kissing the red lips and then closing her eyes and giving in to the heat that climbed to her body, leaving the passion to explode between their mouths in the winding up of tongues. In her time she had a few adventures with young boys from the region – who would never tell about it to her dad or anyone else – however she had never kissed anyone in this way, with so much desire and lust. Nothing else mattered. All she wanted was for time to never move again.
Amélia woke up still in time to feel the taste of Trici’s lipstick. She pushed her away strongly, raising the hand to her mouth, desperate to wipe from her body what was already stamped on the soul.
— What do you think you’re doing??? Have you gone insane? - her eyes were in flames. She was confused and trying to convince herself that was outrageous.
— Meli... - she was almost voiceless.
— Don’t come at me with Meli! Are you crazy? I’m not a... I’m not like... - she choked every time she tried to finish the sentence.
— Say it! Come on, finish it! - Patricia screamed, gaining strength from a newly formed rage that climbed trough her throat, with her eyes filled with tears. - You’re not what? A freak? You’re not like me??? Well, a few minutes ago you almost tricked me. - her voice was filled with irony and pain.
Amelia paced from one side of the room to the other, the friend remained sitting on the couch, where she fell after being pushed. Popcorn was scattered on the floor, since the girl didn't even had the time to put the bowl on the desk.
— In case you don't remember – she said making air quotes – I'm not the one who grabbed you, okay?! I was happily getting back with the popcorn for our movie session, when you simply said “i think that I love you” and gave me a kiss... You can’t fault me for returning it...
— I did what? - she turned around with and incredulous look – I was unconscious!
— You looked pretty conscious to me. - she said with a dreamy look, only to then face the friend’s enraged eyes and remember the were fighting – If you were unconscious how were you walking? Huh? Also, what kind of person do you think I am? I would never take advantage of and unconscious person, especially if the person were you!
— I don't know... Maybe you saw me there, defenseless... Why lose an opportunity right? You knew you wouldn't get another one like that so easily – the slap came blazing and loud, together with pained sobbing.
— So you think it’s like that? Any chance I get I'm taking? Yeah a lesbian and with pride! But
it doesn't mean I'm going out there abusing people I cant have normally. That would be the same as me being a man going around raping a bunch of women just because they don't want what I have to offer... - the tears were thick now – Come on Amélia, you know me since kindergarten, we’ve always gone to school together and now we work at the same company... You were the first person I came out to and I always respected you before and after I admitted to me and the world who I really am... I wasn't expecting this... - disappointment dyed her eyes red.
— I AM the one who wasn't expecting this, Patricia!
The young blue haired girl just shook her head. Grabbed her bag with a certain desperation, trembling hands, and slammed the door on her way out without saying anything else. Amélia was gasping for air. She wanted to scream her to wait, but she didn't had the strength to. What had she done?
On the following day Patricia missed work. She also didn't came home that night. Amélia lied about the friend having a cold – that's the perfect excuse, since, even after being invented so many years ago by doctors, it still worked – but it wouldn't work forever. After being gone for four days, the girl came back to the company like nothing happened. Her hair had changed color again, going back to the violet she had liked so much to use a few months before.
— Trici, where have you been? I was super worried about you, you just vanished! - she whispered to her work partner who didn't even answer. She was silent, which wasn't a surprise – Come on, forgive me... You know I didn't mean to say those things...
— After work I’ll swing by your apartment to get my things.
— What? - the voice was louder than she intended. She lowered it again – What do you mean MY apartment? That apartment is ours... Besides you don't have to leave over something silly like this...
— Silly??? You offended me, humiliated me and you think it’s silly? When did you become someone so insensitive? I can’t even talk to you! Later I’ll pass by just to get what is mine.
— But, where are you going to? - the throat burned, starving for air. It was the first time they ever fought so badly.
— Anywhere I don't have to see that homophobic face of yours! - she gathered a few papers and went to the boss’ room looking for the necessary signatures. She spent the rest of the day avoiding Amélia, who was always looking for a way to fix things.
The hours ran by and soon the clock struck six. Both of them walked quickly, arriving earlier than usual. The young colored hair girl went in first, going straight to her wardrobe to get her clothes. Amélia tried everything to change her mind, but Patricia was determined. The redhead even knelt and asked forgiveness, but nothing made any difference. The keys were returned and the door was closed from the outside.
The phone worked nonstop. Meli called every person she knew who could be harboring the friend, but no one had seen her. In the end she found, in a diary Patricia forgot, the new number of D. Adelaide, the girl’s mother.
— Hello darling, I really don't know what you did, but she’s in her room, not wanting to see anyone and saying she wants to die.
— Mom Adelaide, for heavens sake, you know I would never do anything to hurt Trici, we have always been the best friends in the world and I would never want to change that. But something happened that caught me by surprise and I snapped, you know? But I swear I didn't mean to hurt her, no way...
— Well... you already know she’s here, and that she’s fine, but I ask you not to call again. Let her think a bit for herself and decide if she wants to call you back so you can talk, okay?
— Fine... I’ll give her some time... Yeah, okay... And thanks for everything... Until... Don't worry if she calls me I’ll be there... Bye. You too Mrs.
She put the phone back on the stand and felt a sharp pain on the chest, the only person she really had on the world, and that hurt more than she could dream. She looked at the photo on the shelf. Both of them on the museum, with old clothes. She perfectly remembered that day. That was when Trici told her about what she was. It hadn't made a difference, she was still the same to her. How had things ended up like that? Why had she been such an idiot whit her? She grabbed the photo and threw herself on the bed, crying.
Lucélia and Halaesia met every day on the old oak’s shadow. They talked about all sorts of things, and the girl learned that the partner was what humans used to call an Elemental being.
— This oak is my home. It is my life. Without it I do not exist. - she said once to the young lady, who laid under its shadow. With the face still red from the lust of kisses.
— It is very beautiful. - she observed the wind caress the leaves. - But not as beautiful as you.
Halaesia smiled, tenderly kissing the eyes of the one who took her senses since she came to those lands.
— My father suspects something is not right. He wants to send me back to school. But I do not want to go. - she stood and slowly started to unlace her corset – At least not without a proper goodbye, not without doing what I have been wanting to since that day on the clearing.
The dress slowly fell to the floor, freeing the not childlike at all shapes of her body. Shapes that screamed and begged to be seen. Shapes of a determined woman, although her sweet girl appearance still had a cloud of fear and embarrassment
— Dress yourself girl! If someone sees you, or if you get sick... You humans are all so frail. - She approached her hoping to get some amount of clothes on that body, but the maiden’s hug left her stunted. Feeling the touch of that pale skin was something she did no expect, but insanely craved.
The world simply stopped for both of them. That embrace could have been eternal, if it weren’t for Halaesia’s trembling lips strolling trough Lucélia’s neck, bringing feelings never felt before by the young girl. The hands found each other and joined, fingers intertwined, lips touched. The girls breathing raced with every touch, the lady of the wood noticed that, laying her under the dense tree top so they could be more comfortable.
— Are you sure this is what you want? - the question was decisive. There would be no going back later and regrets wouldn't suffice. The answer was the snap of all the buttons on her shirt, one after the other, by the hand of the avid girl. The violet hair played with the redhead’s silhouette while its owner’s lips danced trough her face, neck and chest – where they stayed for longer, sucking on the pink buttons that formed her nipples. The sweet and delicate moans served as fuel, making the desire grow more and more. One of Halaesia’s hands was already on the girl’s wait, grabbing the flesh and following the thirsty path to her private parts. The little scream that followed was the cherry on top. The soft bite joined by the cold touch between her legs made Lucélia shiver. She gasped for air and tried to get rid of the lover’s clothes, but with each bite, lick and caress she found it more difficult. Once again the lips moved, lower and lower, passing by the girl’s belly, the tongue playing with each piece of skin until it reached the region which the hand dominated, sharing the space. She used her tongue with the softness of a cat drinking milk, the movements short and fast, using her hands to scratch the pale thighs that tried to imprison her head..
The were playing this game for a while, they didn't know how long and, seeing the young girl wouldn't hold out much longer, invaded her virginal flesh with one finger, making her let out a sharp scream of pleasure.
— She is here Mr. Count! The girl Lucélia is here!
What followed was too fast for them to understand. Before they knew it a group of men surrounded them and dragged Halaesia away. Lucélia screamed, being held by other who didn't care about her nudity or lineage. They were following orders.
— Whore!!! How dare you throw our name in the mud??? Count Emrich shouted at the top of his lungs.
— My father... I... - she didn't knew what to say.
— Don't call me that ever again! You are dead to me! Impure! Take her to prison, together with the other one!
The man nodded. The girl cried, trying to explain, wanting him
to understand, but nothing could soften the heart of that man which had just suffered a terrible shock. His last daughter, the one who had the best education, spoiled by everyone and to whom he prepared a grandiose marriage, was now naked in front of him and in sinful conditions with another woman It was too much for the heart of a father.
Lucélia was thrown in a dirty cell, with only a blanket to cover her body, so the citizens would not be forced to look at her shame. She was sobbing silently when she heard a voice. She searched in the right direction e noticed a hole in the wall to her left, big enough for an arm.
— Lucélia, it is me... Halaesia...
She ran towards it, happy to see her alive and well. It was possible that there was still hope.
A month went by. Patricia kept working on the same company as Amelia, but only spoke to her as much as was strictly necessary. The redhead lost weight, looked tired, and had the deep bags of someone who cries herself to sleep every night under her eyes and her friend wasn't far off. They looked like two zombies. The boss tried to intercede, to talk... that was casing problems to the company. They were the receptionists, the main image of the office. That was the deadline. They would either start talking to each other again or they would be fire on that very day. Mr. Rocha put his best spies from inside the building to take care of them, to see if the threat had any effect, even if a ast minute one. And at five thirty was when it happened.
— Amélia, I wanna tell you something. - she started, like someone who doesn't want anything.
— Yes... - her eyes shined. After so long...
— But not here. Go to my mother’s house around eight. She’s gonna make lasagna for dinner, and I know you love it.